"(PR) On: (#3): /home/a1foam/public_html/lol/plugins/lolp_products/lolp_products.php
Line: (#3): 2126
An error has occurred, please send this to your website administrator.
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stdClass Object
[msg] => You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'textarea NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (`content_id`),
KEY `imported_product_' at line 15
[sql] =>
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `lolp_products_info` (
`content_id` int(11) NOT NULL,
`imported_product_id` int(11) NOT NULL,
`sku` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
`purchase_price` float(11,2) NOT NULL COMMENT 'Allows purchase',
`overstock_price` float(11,2) NOT NULL COMMENT 'Optional overstock price',
`wholesale_price` float(11,2) NOT NULL COMMENT 'Optional wholesaler price',
`daily_rental_price` float(11,2) NOT NULL COMMENT 'Allows rental',
`call_for_pricing` int(1) NOT NULL COMMENT 'Blocks both purchase and rental while adding text to the page',
`weight` float(11,2) NOT NULL,
`alternate_source_zipcode` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
`quantity` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '999',
`unlimited_quantity` int(1) NOT NULL,
`no_tax` int(1) NOT NULL,
`cart_description` textarea NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (`content_id`),
KEY `imported_product_id` (`imported_product_id`),
KEY `sku` (`sku`),
KEY `base_price` (`purchase_price`),
KEY `rental_price` (`daily_rental_price`),
KEY `weight` (`weight`),
KEY `quantity` (`quantity`),
KEY `alternate_source_zipcode` (`alternate_source_zipcode`),
KEY `no_tax` (`no_tax`)
<=== End of Resource ===>
"(PR) On: (#3): /home/a1foam/public_html/lol/o.O/libs/db.php
Line: (#3): 130
An error has occurred, please send this to your website administrator.
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stdClass Object
[msg] => Table 'a1foam_cms2022.lolp_products_info' doesn't exist
[sql] =>
SELECT L.`content_id`, L.`title`, L.`uri`, I.*, IF(I.`overstock_price`>0,I.`overstock_price`,I.`purchase_price`) AS 'current_price', `wholesale_price`, `wholesale_overstock_price`
FROM `cms_content_live` L
INNER JOIN `lolp_products_info` I ON(L.`content_id` = I.`content_id`)
INNER JOIN `lolp_product_category_links` C ON(L.`content_id` = C.`product_id` AND C.`category_id`=43)
WHERE L.`type`='lolp_products'
AND L.`status` = 'Active'
AND (`active_from`=0 || UNIX_TIMESTAMP(`active_from`)<1741317380)
AND (`active_to`=0 || UNIX_TIMESTAMP(`active_to`)>1741317380)
GROUP BY L.`content_id`
ORDER BY L.`title`, L.`sort`
<=== End of Resource ===>
Warning: array_keys() expects parameter 1 to be array, boolean given in /home/a1foam/public_html/lol/plugins/lolp_prod_multi_cats/lolp_prod_multi_cats.php on line 102
Warning: implode(): Invalid arguments passed in /home/a1foam/public_html/lol/plugins/lolp_prod_multi_cats/lolp_prod_multi_cats.php on line 103
Warning: array_values() expects parameter 1 to be array, boolean given in /home/a1foam/public_html/lol/plugins/lolp_prod_multi_cats/lolp_prod_multi_cats.php on line 271
Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in /home/a1foam/public_html/lol/plugins/lolp_prod_multi_cats/lolp_prod_multi_cats.php on line 331 Vinyl